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Mutawintji aeriel JUNE 2019 5.jpg
Mutawintji aeriel JUNE 2019 5.jpg
Aimee camera MID.jpg


Bush Witch Productions is me, Aimee Volkofsky, a media maker, organiser, and musician based between Broken Hill, far west New South Wales and South Australia.


I’ve had 13 years’ experience with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation all over Australia, and a long history organising events and experiences that connect people, music, and the bush.


I’m mostly a one-woman team, bringing expertise and experience in every stage of production from vision and sound capture, to editing, colour grading and design, while also keeping costs low.


When it’s called for, I also have a great network of other creatives and professionals who I often collaborate with.

I love meeting interesting people, doing, and making interesting stuff.


I’d love to help you tell your story and connect with people with creative and innovative content.


As an artist I know the struggles of trying to fund this kind of content, talk to me about how I can help you find a grant to get your project made.


If you’re a young person who wants to learn how to do this kind of thing, I’m looking for assistants in western NSW, let’s talk!  

About Bush Witch: About
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